24. Ladek Mountain Festival + Piolets d’Or

Datum: 19 September 2019   -   22 September 2019
Lądek Zdrój / Polen

Lądek Zdrój is a cosy little town in Polish mountains. Those are not the biggest Polish mountains. Lądek is definitely not the biggest Polish mountain city either.

Nevertheless, IT HOSTS THE BIGGEST MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL IN POLAND – AND PROBABLY AT THE SAME TIME THE MOST INTIMATE ONE IN THE WORLD. Once a year it attracts worldwide famous climbers, alpinists, himalayans and all other sorts of mountain activities fans. We all gather here to meet, exchange ideas, talk, inspire and get inspiration and – last but not least – party and spend great time together.

Whatever you look for: great movies, lectures of excellent guests, workshops; running for 8000m, big wall climbing and even lumberjack competitions; great concerts and parties; activities int the rocks, in a cave as  well as in festival tents, amphitheater or movie hall – you will find it here.

Festival’s main cultural focus are films, with Mountain Film Festival as well as books, with Mountain Literature Festival for Polish mountain literature.

International stars of all kinds of mountain activities meet here with legends of Polish Himalayan team – their members became frequent visitors of the Festival. And so, as a visitor, you meet all of them, too.

Lądek is an excellent meeting place itself. Situated almost in the end of the world, with the spa area of the town which barely offers a few cafes and restaurants or bars. That makes all attendees of the Festival eat, drink and feast together. Lecturers after their talks just stroll among viewers and are eager to talk, pose to pictures, give autographs. The homelike atmosphere bonds people who share the same passion and enables to break ice between mountain or climbing super star and a viewer.

That has always been our dream – to create a place of mountain spirit, where everybody belongs. Getting a name of „Mountain Woodstock” from director Aitor Barez in 2017 made us think that the job is well done. Come and join!

Piolets d’Or 2018 Award Ceremony will take place this autumn during our Festival. 

More Info https://www.festiwalgorski.pl/en/

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