First Round First Minute First Round First Minute
06 Dezember 2010

NEU: Reel Rock Tour 2010 – DVD

Das fünfte Jubiläum der REEL ROCK Tour feiern die Co-Gründer Sender Films und Big UP Productions feiern mit einer DVD, die euch in sechs tollen Filmen auf einen noch nie dagewesenen Klettertripp um den Globus mitnimmt + Trailer

Chris Sharma, Ueli Steck, Daniel Woods, Paul Robinson, Lisa Rands, Peter Croft and Dean Potter take you from death-defying speed link-ups of the wildest faces in The Alps, to Olympian displays of strength and tenacity on the hardest boulders ever climbed. REEL ROCK 2010 features a breathtaking journey through the vertical realm with the heroes of rock and snow.

The Films

First Round First Minute

Since Chris Sharma moved to the sport climbing mecca of Catalunya, Spain, he's opened dozens of routes that are redefining high-end climbing. First Round First Minute gives an update on Sharma's latest 5.15 first ascents, and tells the story of his epic battle with his latest ongoing project.

The Hardest Moment

Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson compete to climb the hardest boulders ever scaled. An inside look at what it takes to push the difficulty envelope of this intense sport.

Origins: The Hulk

Peter Croft and Lisa Rands attempt a wild free ascent on the Incredible Hulk Wall in the Sierras -- arguably America's best (and least filmed) alpine rock wall. Croft, the most legendary of California's crack masters mentors the renowned boulderer Rands as she explores into alpine traditional climbing terrain.

Down and Out and Under

A once-in-a-lifetime adventure expedition for first ascents in Australia and on the wild sea cliffs of outer Tasmania.

Fly or Die

Dean Potter continues his extreme vertical exploration, opening new freeBASE climbs, along with highline and wingsuit jumps in some of the most mind-blowing vertical footage ever captured.

The Swiss Machine

Ueli Steck may be the greatest speed alpinist the world has ever seen. In this film he tells the stories of his record-breaking ascents in the Alps, accompanied by stunning aerial footage of him racing up 8,000 foot alpine faces. Ueli joins Alex Honnold in Yosemite to attempt speed records there. His ultimate goal: take his one-man alpine speed game to the largest, highest walls in the world.

Ab sofort ist die DVD erhältlich (mehr)und der Versand ist bis 17.12.2010 portofrei! in Österr. und Deutschland.

Reel Rock Tour 2010

Laufzeit: 90 Min + Bonus


Sprache: Englisch

Trailer Reel Rock Tour 2010 DVD

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