Jakob Schubert in Perfecto Mundo (c) Johannes Mair (alpsolut.com) Jakob Schubert in Perfecto Mundo (c) Johannes Mair (alpsolut.com)
10 November 2019

Jakob Schubert holt sich "Perfecto Mundo" 9b+

Dem Österreicher gelingt seine erste 9b+ und die dritte Begehung dieser Toptour in Margalef.


Nach rund zwei Wochen Projektphase gelingt Jakob der Durchstieg der von Alex Megos im Jahr 2017 eröffneten Route im spanischen Margalef. Die zweite Begehung der Tour gelang dem Italiener Stefano Ghisolfi. Jakob der mit “Fight or flight”, “Planta de Shiva”, “Neanderthal” und “Stoking the fire”“ bereits vier 9b Routen punkten konnte, tritt mit diesem Erfolg dem elitären Klub der 9b+ Kletterer bei. Mit Stefano Ghiolfi, Alex Megos, Adam Ondra und Chris Sharma gehört er nun zu den top five on the real rocks.

Jakob meint zu seiner Begehung:  

„What a day, after failing four times after the crux, two days ago even on the very last hard move above the lip it was an incredible relief to clip the chains of this amazing line today! 3rd ascent after my buddies @alexandermegos and @steghiso. At the beginning of this year I already had the goal to try sending this route this fall but to do so I told myself I got to qualify for the Olympics already at the WCH in Tokyo. After fulfilling this goal in the summer I rewarded myself to skip the last few Worldcups and focus on Perfecto Mundo instead and it all payed off. The cherry on top was a quick ascent of Gancho Perfecto [9a/9a+] to end an already perfect day! Thanks a lot to all the great people supporting me at the crag and of course special thanks to my brothers @domen_skofic, @alfons_dornauer and my girlfriend @pumkin_honey.“

(It‘s all on film as well!)

