Big Wall Speed in Paklenica Big Wall Speed in Paklenica
05 April 2010

Anmeldung: Paklenica Big Wall Competition

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The Big Wall Speed Climbing is a unique climbing competition that has taken place in Velika Paklenica canyon since 2000. This year, the 11th International Climbers' Meeting "Mammut Big Wall Speed Climbing – PAKLENICA 2010. “ will take place from April 30th till May 3rd

Terms for BWSC competitors:

• Only persons over 18 years of age can compete

• Every registered team can consist of either two male of female members

• Teams are obliged to send (or bring with them) statements that they participate on they own responsibility

• Registrations will be accepted till April 20th, 2010.

• The organizer will confirm the teams on April 21st and inform all registered teams

• Organizer provides 2 half-boards for the competitors (travel costs and accommodation of companions are not covered by organizer)

• Number of teams per category in the finals is limited to 8 teams in each category

Awards (in out-door gear) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place on the competition will provide Mammut Sports Group

Competition Rules:

• Only teams consisted of two members can participate

• The time measurement starts when the first climber starts leading, and stops at the moment when the second climber reaches the end of the route

• Teams are starting every 10 minutes

• Use of helmet is obligatory

• Team members have to alternate the lead position during the climb

• Simultaneous climbing is forbidden

• The climbers have to use all bolts in the route

For more information, please contact on e-[email protected] (Dragica Jovic);

Tel. +385/23/369-155; fax. +385/23/359-133

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Klettermöglichkeiten Paklenica

Mammut Big Wall Speed Climbing Competition 2010


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